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The best Burger and Brew combos for National Burger Day

National Burger day descends from the heavens but once a year. This year we’re celebrating on May 28th… ALLLLL day. To help make the impossible choices of where to chew and what to sip a little easier, we’ve pulled together a guide on the best Burger and Brew combo’s you can get your hands on.
From your favourite Burger Chains
Ahh, the perfect Burger and Brew combo where all you have to do is pick them up and treat yourself. These combos from your favourite burger chains are all about kicking back, maxin’ and relaxin’. We admit these are the guys that also sell Bundaberg Brewed Drinks – we’re making your burger hunt that much easier. That said, you can’t beat these burger and brew combos! Which are you hitting up this weekend?
Grill’d – Sir Truffle + Bundaberg Lemon, Lime & Bitters
A little bit fancy and a little bit fancier! When a burger that is made with love, combines with a brew that is made with love, you get nothing but a meal to love. Treat your tastebuds (and your other 4 senses) to a combo that the pickiest of burger eaters couldn’t deny.
Nandos – Double Cheese & Bacon Burger + Bundaberg Guava
A newbie on the Nando’s menu, the Double Cheese & Bacon Burger is delish! Combine it with an icy cold Bundaberg Guava and some world-famous Peri-Peri fries and you’ve been transported to burger and brew heaven.
NeNe Chicken – Kimchi Chicken Burger + Bundaberg Ginger Beer
Spice it up with Korean chicken favourite NeNe Chicken’s Kimchi Burger. This combo adds a little zing to the spice and a little burn to the sizzle. Every sip of Ginger Beer that comes right after a bite of the Kimchi burger is one to be cherished.
From your very own kitchen
Try as you might, there is no excuse good enough to skip stacking together your own burger and brew combos at home. We’ve gathered some delicious recipes to get you on your way…
Ginger Beer Pulled Chicken Burgers + Bundaberg Ginger Beer
Go all out with these Ginger Beer Pulled Chicken Burgers and drink a Ginger Beer for added zing! Yes, making the (delicious – trust us) sauce does mean you’ll have a wait a little while before enjoying these beauties but they are well worth it. Your home will smell delicious and you’ll be patting yourself on the back in no time.
Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffle Burger + Bundaberg Peach
Ok, so the original recipe says to stack your chicken on top of the waffles, but we all know the USA is onto something good with this combo. Pop your fried chicken between the waffles and drizzle on some maple syrup – maybe add a couple slices of crispy bacon for good measure and nomm nomm nomm. Wash it down with a Bundaberg Peach and tell us we’re wrong… we dare you.
From the burger joint/ fish and chip shop down the road
Not every burger experience being savoured this weekend will be courtesy of a major chain or your home kitchen. If you’re one of the many heading down to your trusty local for a burger and a brew be sure to keep an eye out for these great combos.
Traditional Steak or Works Burger
Depending on where you are located your steak or works burger could be partnered with pineapple, beetroot, eggs, pickles, onion, relish, bacon… anything really. When your tried and trusted is one of the nation’s favourites, the only match is the nation’s other favourite – Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
Going Troppo/ Tropicana/ Big Pineapple (anything with pineapple really)
Let your tropical burger stand on its own – pair it with a flavour that’s likely to make the sweetness of the pineapple really shine and bring out the best in which ever protein graces the bun. Stick to a brew that has a tart note such as Bundaberg Blood Orange or Pink Grapefruit, perhaps even a Traditional Lemonade.
Pulled Pork & Slaw
An incredibly popular burger, the pulled pork and slaw burger goes with Bundaberg Apple Cider like no other burger before it. Now we admit, it’s unlikely you’ll find this match up at the same store – if you do happen across it, treat the place like gold. If not, pop into your local supermarket and grab a 4pack for the fridge – it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to a burger and brew combo.
What are you eating and drinking this weekend? Share on insta or facebook with #bundyburger .